Reproducible Quantitative Methods

Instructor Guide, Lesson 10

Project workshop time, Github for project management / Scientific publication and accessibility

yeah bar

Topics and Resources

  1. Supported work period

    Work on the project with students.


  1. Github issues
  2. Use github issues to create a list of things to do for your paper, and assign tasks with your students. This workshop can help guide you in setting up your whole project in github.


    A helpful hint from those that came before

    Call them out Call the students out specifically using their @[student] usernames on github! They’ll get alerts about their assignments, so there’s no forgetting :)

    Work with your students to decide which journal you’re targeting with your class project- it helps set a tone for your writing, and gives you formatting guidelines to work from.


Academic publishing

So, how do you decide where to publish? It’s easy to find resources about choosing a journal from a more conventional framework (TL:DR- most of them are some variation of “Choose the journal with the highest impact factor that also fits your work”)- but issues around open access muddies this old advice a bit. You will probably want to point students to something that is relevant to publication practices in your field, because this can vary a bit. This is a really good opportunity to talk to students about issues with valuing science and scientists by impact factors of journals. We suggest reading High-impact open access journals and Eigenfactor Index of Open Access Fees to get you started.


Open Access Explained! (8:23)


What do you look for when deciding where to publish? What does your advisor look for?

How can we approach co-authors with differing views on where to publish?

What do we want from an open journal?

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