Reproducible Quantitative Methods

Instructor Guide, Lesson 14

Preparing a paper for publication / The future of open science and reproducible research

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Topics and Resources

  1. Preparing a paper for publication

    Refer to the style guide of your target journal.


  1. Preparing a manuscript for submission and review
  2. Revisit github issue list to ensure all tasks that need completion prior to submission are represented. Use the ‘instructions for authors’ document provided by your journal of choice to help guide this. And if you're ready, submit the manuscript!


    A helpful hint from those that came before

    But what if we're not ready? It is okay if the paper is not done yet- just be sure you leave this class with all the students knowing what needs to be done to get this paper out, and schedule regular check-ins to help make progress towards completion. An authorship on a manuscript is a powerful motivator for students, especially one that is independent of their primary advisor!


Looking towards the future

use this discussion as an opportunity to get feedback on the course, and to help guide students in embracing open science and reproducible research in their future endeavours.


Open Science Now! A TedX talk by Michael Nielsen (16:35)


How has learning about open science changed how you look at your work?

What do we need to do, moving forward?

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